Top 5 Toy LicensorsTop 5 Toy Licensors
Gathering data from our Top Global Licensors report, License Global breaks down the Top 5 global toy licensors for 2023 and what has made them so successful.
December 18, 2023

1. The Pokémon Company International ($11.6 billion)
Though the Japanese company is known for video games, manga, anime TV series, feature films and more, The Pokémon Company International started as a toy company with its famous trading card game, Pokémon.
2. Hasbro ($11.5 billion)
The toy company just marked its 100th anniversary and is the second-biggest toy licensor on our list and the sixth-biggest licensor overall. Hasbro is best-known for toy properties, like Transformers, Play-Doh, Monopoly, NERF and more.
3. Mattel ($8 billion)
Mattel, ranked at No. 8 on the Top Global Licensors List, is known for properties like Barbie, which had a huge year upon the release of the “Barbie” movie in the summer of 2023, as well as Fisher-Price, Hot Wheels, American Girl and more.
4. Bandai Namco Group ($2.8 billion)
Bandai Namco Group broke into the Top 25 of the Global Licensors, landing at No. 22. The company owns multi-million-dollar franchises, including “Pac-Man” and makes licensed products for properties like “Digimon” and “Dragonball.”
5. Jazwares ($1.5 billion)
Landing at No. 30 on the Top Global Licensors report but rounding out the Toys Top 5, Jazwares has popular toy properties like Squishmallows, as well as licensed goods from “CoComelon,” “Fortnite” and more.
To learn more, download the The Top Global Licensors Report 2023.
This article featured in December's issue of License Global. Read the issue now ...
Read more about:
PokémonHasbroMattelBandai Namco EntertainmentBandaiJazwaresTransformersPlay-DohNerfMonopolyBarbieFisher-PriceHot WheelsAmerican GirlDragon BallDigimonPAC-MANCoComelonFortniteGlobalLicense Global OriginalLicense Global Editor’s ChoiceDecember 2023About the Author
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