One Animation Adds Global Broadcasting Deals for ‘Oddbods’
New deals extend the brand into Mexico, Spain, Italy and via Netflix.
One Animation has extended the global footprint of “Oddbods” with deals for a new season and longer format specials announced at MIPJunior.
Following the successful launch of “Oddbods” toys in Mexico, Turner Latin America has acquired “Oddbods” season three (60 x 7’) and the 22-minute Halloween special “Oddbods: Party Monsters.”
Spanish free-TV channel TV3 Catalunya has also picked up season three and the Halloween special.
Netflix has inked a new deal for “Oddbods” season two (60 x 7’) to launch globally in January 2020.
Italian train operator TrenItalia is showing 10 x 5 “Oddbods” episodes via its on-board screen monitors and mobile app as well.
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