What Challenges Will COVID-19 Cause in the Licensing Industry?
License Global’s latest insights report sheds light on how COVID-19 will challenge the licensing industry moving forward.
December 4, 2020
In late 2019, the world learned of a new disease first identified in Wuhan, China. The virus causing that disease, COVID-19, was revealed to be highly contagious and potentially deadly. The threat of the virus caused worldwide concern and prompted lockdowns all over the world. No business or industry was untouched by the pandemic, and we’re still seeing the effects to this day. But what challenges and concerns will the brand licensing business, in particular, face in the months ahead?
License Global reveals this and more in its newest insights report: “License Global Insights – COVID-19: What Happens Next?” From regional outlooks to long-term impacts and more, this extensive study touches on the most important questions everyone in the licensing industry needs answers for during this difficult time. What challenges are our colleagues and businesses facing now, and what will we face in the future? What key industry topics are of concern throughout the industry? How can licensing professionals prepare?
Learn the answers to all of this and more by downloading the insights report today.
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