LIMA Elects Six Board MembersLIMA Elects Six Board Members
The International Licensing Industry Merchandisers’ Association has added six new members to its board of directors. The new members were elected by LIMA membership, and will serve until June 30, 2014. Joining the LIMA board are:Susie Lecker, senior
April 6, 2018

The International Licensing Industry Merchandisers’ Association has added six new members to its board of directors. The new members were elected by LIMA membership, and will serve until June 30, 2014.
Joining the LIMA board are:
Susie Lecker, senior vice president, Fisher-Price Friends, Fisher Price Brands
Marty Malysz, president, Dependable Solutions
Carla Peyton, senior vice president, licensed consumer products, the Americas, BBC Worldwide America
Jennifer Richmond, managing director, Richmond Management Group
James Slifer, vice president, business development at The Joester Loria Group
Cheryl Stoebenau, president, CAS Marketing
The six incoming members replace the following directors who have completed their terms:
Adam Beder, senior vice president, global licensing and business affairs, Spin Master
Rick Mallow, principal, Making Connections
Stu Seltzer, partner, Seltzer Licensing Group
Holly Stein, vice president, licensing acquisitions, Mattel
Robert Strand, founder, Strand IP
Careen Yapp, vice president, acquisitions and franchise development, Konami Digital Entertainment
Returning LIMA board members include:
Christina Miller, senior vice president, sports marketing, programming and strategy, Cartoon Network Enterprises (chairperson)
Maura Regan, senior vice president and general manager, global consumer products, Sesame Workshop (vice chairperson)
Peter Boder, founder and chief executive officer, United Labels AG
Sabine Eckhardt, managing director, SevenOne AdFactory GmbH
Glenn Hendricks, president, SloaneVision Unlimited
Liz Kalodner, executive vice president and general manager, CBS Consumer Products
Bettina Koeckler, senior vice president Licensing, EMEA, Chorion
Charles Schnaid, CPA, partner, licensing and royalty services, Miller, Kaplan, Arase & Co.
Kotaro Sunamori, president, Sun R&P
Rick Van Brimmer, director, trademark and licensing services, The Ohio State University
Gregory J. Battersby, LIMA’s general counsel
“The LIMA Board plays an integral role in establishing the strategy and vision for the Association and for the industry, and under its guidance we have expanded our efforts and enhanced our visibility globally,” says Charles Riotto, president of LIMA. “We are confident that these new Board members will continue to be a strong voice of advocacy for the industry and will work to bring LIMA to the next level of success as an organization.”
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