Bobby Abley has announced a collaboration with the Transformers franchise to celebrate the launch of “Transformers: Rise of the Beasts.” Founded on Bobby Abley’s fascination with cartoons and nostalgia, the collaboration re-imagines the Transformers’ iconic visual identity into playful contemporary prints and silhouettes evoking the adventure of the franchise’s four decades heritage.
“I’m excited to share my capsule collection in collaboration with Transformers,” says Abley. “Having loved the franchise from a young age, it’s been really fun to create my own visuals inspired by the famous ‘more than meets the eye’ slogan and putting my own twist on a classic toile du jour with Transformers robots hiding out amongst landmarks from some of my favorite cities, and pop art print inspired by pop art, comic books and Saturday morning cartoons.”
“The new ‘Transformers: Rise of the Beasts’ film takes audiences on a ’90s globetrotting adventure filled with spectacle and thrill,” says Marianne James, vice president, EMEA and Asia, licensed consumer products, Hasbro. “Bobby Abley’s collection perfectly captures this spirit and celebrates the characters and storylines that have captivated moviegoers around the world for over 15 years.”
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