Sci-Fi Museum Planned for HollywoodSci-Fi Museum Planned for Hollywood
The non-profit New Starship Foundation is planning to open the world’s first dedicated science-fiction museum in 2015.
April 6, 2018

The non-profit New Starship Foundation is planning to open the world’s first dedicated science-fiction museum in 2015, the Hollywood Science Fiction Museum.
Tentatively located in the Hollywood/Highland area of Los Angeles, Calif., the museum will celebrate sci-fi in film, TV, art and literature, and teach all ages about space and science through science fiction.
The museum with have interactive displays and environments for each film and television franchise (“Star Trek,” Star Wars, “Battlestar Galactica” and more), with videos of the cast and crew discussing each exhibit. NASA astronauts and scientists will also explain the real science behind the exhibits.
The project began in 2012 when writer/fan Huston Huddleston found two discarded Star Trek Enterprise Bridge sets created by Paramount in 1998 for touring and decided to restore them. Since, the restored chairs and computers have traveled to 23 different conventions around the U.S.
A Kickstarter campaign was launched May 7 to help create a prospectus, budget, concept art and other fundraising materials needed for corporate donors.
Among the items slated to be featured in the museum are:
Star Trek original series Enterprise Bridge set
Star Trek The Next Generation Enterprise-D Bridge
Star Wars props and costumes
Battlestar Galactica sets, props and costumes
Doctor Who TARDIS, props and costumes
Firefly cockpit, props and costumes
Stargate props and costumes
Lord of the Rings props and costumes
Robbie the Robot
The DeLorean from Back To The Future
1966 Batmobile
"Every actor I've met, from ‘Doctor Who's’ Billie Piper to ‘Star Trek's’ Karl Urban, has been completely supportive of our museum and want to take their kids to the opening,” says Huddleston. “This is something everyone seems to want, from the fans, to the actors, to producers and directors. It's an educational non-profit museum that will celebrate the legacy of everyone involved and inspire future Steven Spielberg's and Stephen Hawking's, it's a win-win for everybody."
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