Licensing University 2013 Schedule
Organized by the Licensing Industry Merchandisers' Association, this year's conference schedule is packed with informative sessions hosted by industry experts.
April 6, 2018
Licensing for Beginners
10 a.m.-1 p.m.
This introductory course will present the fundamentals and best practices of licensing on a variety of fronts. Find out how and when to use licensing to realistically grow a business; basic terminology; roles and responsibilities of licensors, licensees and agents; risk factors; how licensees evaluate properties; how licensors evaluate licensees; protecting your rights; selling to retail; and much more.
Licensing Law for Beginners
1:30-3 p.m.
This hands-on course will cover the key legal issues that impact licensing. Issues covered include licensing agreements, protection of properties under trademark, copyright and patent laws, intellectual property basics, what to look for in an agent agreement, enforcement of rights, international considerations and more. A question-and-answer session will follow this discussion.
Keynote: A Licensing Roadmap: Where are We Headed and How Will We Get There?
8:30-9:30 a.m.
Four key industry executives will engage in a wide-ranging discussion about the state of licensing today and the forces that will impact the industry's future–from the globalization of retailing, communication, brands and products, to the effects of technology on interaction with retailers, brands and content, to how the changing media landscape will affect business and more.
Basics of International Licensing
10-11:15 a.m.
Using case studies and other materials, this seminar will give attendees a basic grounding in the key elements of putting together an international licensing program, including an understanding of trademark protection, strategic and marketing considerations, and questions such as how to determine whether you need a local agent.
Basics of Art Licensing
10-11:15 a.m.
This seminar will give attendees an introduction to the very specific challenges faced by those entering the art licensing business, including what you need to know about working with potential licensees, an explanation of how retailers work, how to get a handle on the competitive landscape and understanding the roles of the various players.
Keynote: Brands on the Brink of Global Expansion
11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Gwyneth Paltrow will tell the story of how her personal newsletters developed into Goop–a lifestyle resource for readers around the world. She will also describe her work as co-owner of the Tracy Anderson brand, whose broad range of fitness products are helping people transform their bodies and lives. Paltrow will discuss key licensing and product collaboration strategies that are being implemented to grow the brands into new territories and product categories, offering a behind-the-scenes look at her approach and experience. She will share her perspective on why trust, authenticity and the right partners are indispensable for any brand.
Anatomy of a Licensing Agreement
1:15-2:45 p.m.
A clause-by-clause discussion of a typical merchandising license agreement with an explanation for the purpose of each and suggested negotiation points for both licensors and licensees.
10 Questions a Licensee Should Ask a Licensor
1:15-2:45 p.m.
This panel of experts from diverse product categories will divulge their secrets to success. How do you pick the right license for your business? What information do you need to make the right decisions and minimize risk? How does this differ from category to category? Attend this session to find out.
Monetizing Digital Platforms
3:15-4:30 p.m.
Until recently, console- and handheld-based games could be counted on as a major cash cow for an entertainment licensing program. But the rise of apps and casual gaming has altered the equation. This seminar will take a look at how the licensing business is dealing with those changes, the increasing importance of virtual goods and in-app purchases and other major transformations.
How to Work with Agents and Consultants
3:15-4:30 p.m.
Licensing agents and consultants can play a central role in the development of an effective licensing program. This seminar will aid participants in defining roles, key into the pertinent questions they should be asking if considering an agent or consultant and learn how the best relationships work.
Building a Compelling Brand Guide
8:30-9:45 a.m.
Attendees will learn how to build next level brand guides that not only present the do's and don'ts of creative, but also include brand extension elements that help generate sales and raise brand awareness. These comprehensive guides are turnkey resources for licensees, giving them the tools to generate a robust product line that is successful at retail.
From Good to G'RATE: What Every Licensing Professional Should Know About Royalty Rates
8:30-9:45 a.m.
This course will offer a 360-degree view on royalty rates–what they are, how they differ by category and how they relate to margins and cost of goods. It will explain the risk/reward effect, de-mystify the "net sales definition," tell you when to escalate or de-escalate and more.
Negotiating a Reasonable Licensing Agreement
10:15-11:30 a.m.
A seminar conducted for the purpose of providing suggested methods on how to negotiate a "reasonable" licensing agreement and offering a look at negotiations from both sides of the table.
Licensing in Emerging Markets: A Focus on China and Brazil
10:15-11:30 a.m.
The panel will give an overview of the dynamic potential of licensing outside North America in two of the world's fastest growing territories: China and Brazil. Experts with many years of experience licensing in these territories will discuss the market dynamics and the potential growth.
What's a Celebrity Worth?
12-1:15 p.m.
The right of publicity that gives rise to endorsements and celebrity branding at all levels differs from other types of licensing in several ways. A celebrity's brand or right of publicity can grow exponentially as the celebrity develops and enhances his or her image. The panelists will discuss how to place a value on these rights throughout various contexts in the licensing industry.
Advanced Licensing Strategies
12-1:15 p.m.
This seminar will explore some of the different strategies utilized by licensors, licensees and retailers to grow their businesses. It will also look at best practices from some of the leading companies in the industry.
Crushing the Counterfeiters
1:45-3 p.m.
This panel will provide a hands-on discussion on how to combat counterfeiting and an overview of legal remedies and examples of what an entity can do to protect products and IP. U.S. Customs will outline what assistance they can provide, remedies that are available through proceedings at the ITC, Marksmen Company will discuss private anti-counterfeiting investigations, a representative from Piers will explain how they track the contents of every container coming in to the U.S. and help identify the source of counterfeit goods and their destination.
How to Evaluate a Children's Property
1:45-3 p.m.
Not all content produced for kids can make a successful transition from TV show, book or app to lucrative toy and ancillary product lines. This panel of expert licensees and licensors will draw on their decades of experience in the kids business to provide a checklist for potential property partners.
Apparel and Footwear to Home Décor, Beauty and Beyond: Strategies for Licensing Fashion Brands
3:30-4:45 p.m.
Fashion licensing is the largest sector in the licensing market. Drawing on their experience, the panel will discuss effective strategies when taking fashion brands beyond clothing and accessories into new product categories.
LIMA's Annual Industry Survey
9-10:15 a.m.
Hear firsthand the results of LIMA's Annual Licensing Business Survey, conducted on LIMA's behalf by a team of researchers from Yale University, led by Prof. Ravi Dhar of the Yale School of Management. LIMA President Charles Riotto will give a rundown of the findings, expressed in terms of licensors' royalty revenues, as well as estimated category-by-category retail sales.
Retail Success Stories: Case Studies from Coke to Kellogg's
9-10:15 a.m.
This seminar outlines the steps to effective retail presentations, offering concrete examples and best practices. It will cover big and small promotions and discuss a variety of techniques (in-aisle, endcaps, pallet trains, etc.) over multiple distribution channels.
Activating Licensing Customer Loyalty Programs
10:45 a.m.-12 p.m.
This seminar will use a case study as a jumping off point: using serialized authentication labels, NASCAR has developed an online loyalty program for its best fans–merchandise buyers. Fans earn gifts and contest entries while NASCAR obtains buyer behavior and email data for auxiliary marketing efforts.
Royalty Audit and Contract Compliance: More than Just the Money
3:30-4:45 p.m.
Royalty and contract compliance programs are vital tools licensors use to identify, quantify and recover under-reported royalties. However, non-revenue benefits also can be achieved. Learn the red flags that will identify potential issues before they become big problems. Hear how to manage the relationship with your licensee during a royalty audit to establish a stronger relationship going forward.
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