Lisle Plans Andy Capp ProgramLisle Plans Andy Capp Program
Trinity Mirror has appointed Lisle to develop a U.K. merchandising program for the comic strip character Andy Capp.
April 6, 2018

Trinity Mirror has appointed Lisle International Licensing to develop a U.K. merchandising program for the iconic Daily Mirror comic strip character Andy Capp.
Andy Capp first appeared in the paper in 1957 alongside his feisty wife Flo and a hilarious band of characters, and is one of the longest-running strips ever.
“Andy Capp is an institution and as well known with the young adults of today as he is with the older generation who would have seen his cartoons in the ’50s and ’60s,” says Francesca Lisle, licensing partner, Lisle International. "As an instantly recognizable character his unique humor will carry across many sectors of products such as posters, apparel, greetings and giftware, and we see prospects for partners as being long-term. With nearly 60 years under his belt, he represents a heritage property that also appeals to the modern day.”
The strip still appears every day of the week in both the Mirror and its sister paper the Sunday Mirror, and is also published in more than 300 newspapers worldwide as well as online.
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