Fred Rogers Debuts ‘Through the Woods’
The Fred Rogers Company, in partnership with Houghton Miffin Harcourt, has debuted a new series of animated shorts, titled “Through the Woods,” via Houghton’s subscription service Curious World.
April 6, 2018
The Fred Rogers Company, in partnership with Houghton Miffin Harcourt, has debuted a new series of animated shorts, titled “Through the Woods,” via Houghton’s subscription service Curious World.
Each episode of the new series will follow a young boy named Rider and his dog Wolfie as they venture into their backyard woods in search of adventures. As they meet the animals that live there, they observe, ask questions and aim to inspire viewers to make discoveries of their own.
“Through the Woods” is now available via the Curious World subscription service, which can be accessed via iPhone, iPad or AppleTV.
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