Felix the Cat Paws Pomade Deal
In celebration of the 100th anniversary of Felix the Cat, CPLG has inked a series of licensing deals including a partnership with Suavecito Pomade for a range of men’s grooming products, accessories and t-shirts.
March 27, 2019
CPLG brokered the Suavecito Pomade deal on behalf of Universal Brand Development, owner of Felix the Cat.
The limited-edition capsule collection will include classic and firm pomades, a retractable comb and a toiletries bag.
Items are available for purchase at the Suavecito store in Los Angeles, Tilly’s locations across the U.S., online at Suavecito.com and via Suavecito’s global stockists.
“It was a great honor for Suavecito to work on this Felix the Cat capsule, because of the significant impact this character has had on us and millions of people all over the world throughout the last century,” says Modesto Briseno, purchasing manager, Suavecito. “To help celebrate the 100th anniversary of Felix the Cat, we have created an exciting new line of grooming products and apparel that fans of both brands will enjoy. Happy Anniversary, Felix!” Funko recently launched collectible Felix figurines, with a fashion accessories range from Loungefly set to hit retail this summer.
Funko will also launch a collector’s edition Pop! Vinyl Box Set in November.
In the fall, Skechers will release a global footwear range, Aliquantum International will release plush and Lauren Moshi will release a 100th-anniversary t-shirt collection.
Outside of the U.S., Italian ceramic tile company D
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