Perry Ellis Names Licensee for Original PenguinPerry Ellis Names Licensee for Original Penguin
Perry Ellis International has entered into a new license agreement with Bespoke Fashion for its brand Original Penguin.
April 6, 2018

Under the new agreement, Bespoke Fashion will design and distribute Original Penguin branded hosiery in the U.S. and Canada. Target retailers are better department stores such as Nordstrom’s, Bloomingdale’s, Lord & Taylor, Dillard’s and The Bay.
"We are pleased to expand our relationship with Bespoke Fashion who has been an excellent licensing partner for Original Penguin and Perry Ellis neckwear for the past several years. We look forward to working with their team and offering exciting, original product for our customers while continuing to expand our global reach," says Oscar Feldenkreis, president and chief operating officer, Perry Ellis International.
"We are thrilled to work with Original Penguin to bring to market an exciting offering of hosiery that reflects the unique lifestyle of this iconic brand," says Danielle Mandelbaum Anderman, chief executive officer, Bespoke Fashion.
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